Know who the speakers are before the meeting starts
Highlight the importance of the feedback slips
Collect the votes promptly!
“Every vote counts!”
Unknown political activist
The vote counter is the lubricant that keeps the wheels of a meeting running smoothly. It is an ideal starting role to gain initial stage experience. Feedback slips given by audience members to the speakers are extremely valuable. By ensuring that they receive them, you are doing a valuable role in helping the evening’s speakers develop and improve their skills!
The first thing you should do once you arrive at the meeting is to get to know who will be speaking that evening. You will be responsible for giving each prepared speaker a cup for collecting their feedback slips. So the sooner you know who to give these to, the better!
Before the meeting starts you will be provided with a set of cups to collect votes and feedback slips. There will be one cup per speaker plus one for your own use!
You will be responsible for collecting votes at the following points:
After the timekeeper’s report for the prepared speeches – BEST SPEAKER
Following the timekeeper’s report on speech evaluator – BEST EVALUATOR
Once the timekeeper’s has reported on the table topics speakers times – BEST TABLE TOPIC
Highlight this in your introduction. Additionally, also highlight the importance of feedback slips to audience members. If thirty people are attending the meeting, that’s a whooping thirty pieces of feedback that each speaker can receive! Each provide a unique insight into what someone liked about a speech or possible improvements!
Recommend that audience members use the following structure to fill-in their feedback slips:
Commend – Something you liked about the speech
Recommend – One or several points for improvements for the speaker
Commend – A final encouraging and motivating commendation!
When each prepared speaker has finished his/her speech give him/her a cup with which to collect feedback slips. Do not hesitate to help the speaker as well if needed to speed-up the process!
When called on stage by the president to announce the winners, maintain high energy levels and drumming throughout!
What if there is tie? Notify the club president as soon as practical to do so and he/she can make sure that all tied speakers or evaluators are awarded a ribbon!