Contest Past meetings Toastmasters International

Contest season at London Victorians – 15th September

Typically, Toastmasters clubs all over the world hold for club contests each year. The International Speech contest in spring alongside the Evaluation contest. With the Humorous Speech contest and the Table Topic contest following in the autumn. This contest season is a very special one for London Victorians as it marks the first official contest in which the club is taking part.

Our club President Florian Bay chaired the humorous speech contest, assisted by timers Eddie and Yvonne, ballot counters Stephen, Magda and Fahad and contest chief judge Jide from Woodford Speakers.

First contest speaker Thomas!
First contest speaker Thomas!

The first humorous speech contest speaker was Thomas ‘The Russian Experience’ describing his adventure in a Russian spa and being welcomed by “you want some oak leaves!” The second speaker was Terry ‘You really are missing out by not having children!’ on how children make a relationship blossom anew with new chores and activities for everyone. Natalie followed on as third contest speaker with a speech ‘Digital and Dazed’ on the perils of the digital age, ranging from Tinder dating through to recording gigs on phone video cameras but never watching the recording again. Following on from her was Prateek ‘Adventures of Harry O’Neill’ telling about the Scottish pilot of the same name he met once from whom the best landings where those where “the plane can be reused afterwards!” The contest carried on with Edwin taking the stage ‘This is an Appeal’ urging us to fight a disease called ROTU (Rudeness On The Underground) whose symptoms include everything from falling asleep to wild hallucinations! John then took to the stage with ‘I hate’ on useless Facebook status updates from friends and one compulsively checks them. Our last contestant was Joyce speaking on ‘Can dreams be true?’

Prateek's contest speech 'The Adventures of Harry O'Neill'
Prateek’s contest speech ‘The Adventures of Harry O’Neill’

After a slightly longer than usual break. We moved to the club’s table topics contest chaired by Eleanor. The question that our contestants had to answer was “If you were another thing in this world, what would it be and why?”

Table Topics Contest chair Eleanor
Table Topics Contest chair Eleanor

Our first contestant Marina answered shoes, followed by Terry the wannabee savanna animal, Joyce as nothing less than Prime Minister. Fourth Table Topics speaker John answered a Chihuahua, followed by Prateek’s Genie, Edwin’s pub (specifically the Winsdor Castle pub) full of merry drunks and finally Natalie with a set of drums.

Marina's winning shoes!
Marina’s winning shoes!

A short round of table topics followed before the results were announced. London Victorians first ever contest winners are as follows:

Humorous Speech Contest
First Place – Edwin At  
Second Place – Terry P 
Third Place – Thomas R 

Table Topics Contest
First Place – Marina L  
Second Place – Terry P  
Third Place – John K

We wish the best of luck to all of our contestants representing the club at the Area 8 contest on Thursday 24th September in Ofgem’s offices.

Past meetings Toastmasters International

Elevating Members into Speakers! – 1st September

In spite of rain downpours and the slow end of summer as we enter September. Another amazing evening of public speaking was lined-up in our usual venue of the Windsor Castle Pub. With no less than four speakers, including a number 10 speech ‘Inspire Your Audience’ from the Competent Communicator manual and two advanced speeches.

Taking the stage this evening as Toastmaster, was club treasurer Ayokunle ‘AK’ with holidays as the theme of the meeting. Tonight’s functionaries were Abigail as timekeeper, looking after our speakers’ use of time. Olivia looking after our speakers’ use of the English language and introducing ‘Elevate’ as word of the day. For the very first time tonight, we introduced a Harkmaster, a new role performed by Fahad to challenge all audience members to listen carefully to tonight’s speakers. Finally Toby took on the mantle of vote counter.

Harkmaster Fahad
Harkmaster Fahad

The first of four speakers tonight was Alex ‘Why go to India’. Alex recounted us his travels to India through the use of very descriptive language and numerous anecdotes. From the presence of tigers, monkeys and elephants; the latter of which are the most dangerous of the bunch. Through cooking classes in South India. Joyce followed on for her number 10 speech titled ‘Potential’. Joyce urged all of us to give a chance to others, since after all “where does experience begins” and peppered the speech with anecdotes from her days as a “super social worker”. Our following two speakers both did speeches from advanced manuals, respectively Interpretive Reading and The Effective Salesperson. Club president Florian began with ‘Collision at Cajamarca’ a reading from the story of the Battle of Cajamarca that marked the end of the Inca Empire, as written by one of Francisco Pizzaro’s companions. Sergey followed with ‘What can coaching do for you’ highlighting the benefit of coaching to better develop oneself.

Joyce inspiring us all to live up to our potential
Joyce inspiring us all to live up to our potential

The evaluation of our speakers followed. Marina evaluated Alex and commented on his great use of descriptive language and for jumping straight into the subject. She also recommended that Alex incorporate more energy and vocal variety in future speeches. Terry evaluated Joyce’s speech and highlighted the benefits a clearer and more organized speech structure would have brought to complement the strong body language and vocal variety of Joyce’s speech. Hiram in his evaluation of Florian suggested adding yet more vocal variety and perhaps commenting on the story as he went along. Finally, Thomas evaluated Sergey’s speech and suggested that Sergey spends more time in leading the buyer through the process.

Marina evaluating the first of tonight's speakers
Marina evaluating the first of tonight’s speakers

For the table topics session of this meeting, table topics master Magda decided to adopt a sci-fi theme. Speakers were asked in turn to image what would happen if they saw a UFO landing in front of them while driving at night. What would they of id they had access to a time machine! What would they do if they could purchase an android robot? Or what kind of superpowers would our speakers like to possess. Evaluating this improvised speaking session was Marina, who gave sharp feedback to all of our table topics speakers.

Club member Prateek tackling a table topic!
Club member Prateek tackling a table topic!

As part the meeting’s wrap-up Olivia came back for her grammarian report, praising our speakers for their effective use of the English language. Harkmaster Fahad then asked questions such as “What school Joyce had in mind for her children?” to test everyone’s listening skills. General evaluator Nazia followed with her evaluation of all the functionaries and evaluator of the evening. For after all in Toastmasters everyone is evaluated and receives feedback, not just the speakers!

General Evaluator Nazia from Canary Wharf WIBF club
General Evaluator Nazia from Canary Wharf WIBF club

Come along in two weeks on September 15th for our very first table topics and humorous speech contest.

Beyond Victorians Toastmasters International

Behold the Toastmaster! – 18th August

Our last meeting on Tuesday 18th August was opened up by our club president Florian Bay, who highlighted the importance of overcoming one’s limits and always striving for more. Giving the example of one of our member’s brother, who completed the Arch to Arc triathlon from London to Paris. Taking on as Toastmaster of the evening was Eddie (well done Eddie for your first time as Toastmaster!)

Toastmaster of the evening Eddie!
Toastmaster of the evening Eddie!

Eddie introduced the functionaries of the helping one by one. First on stage was Toby as timekeeper, followed Alex as grammarian with “beholden” as word of the day and finally Eleanor as vote counter. Well done both Toby and Eleanor for your first roles!

Behold our grammarian Alex:
Behold our grammarian Alex!

Our first speaker introduced by Toastmaster Eddie was Eleanor. In her very informative speech “the Malleable Mind” Eleanor told us all there is to know about the human brain, its 90bn neurons and its changes during someone teenage years. Following on was Terry “Jolly hockey sticks” who recounted us is newly rekindled interest for Hockey and his present dilemma of what type of kit to purchase. Indeed, with sticks made up of wood, Kevlar or carbon fiber, there is plenty to choose from! Our following two speakers gave speeches from advanced manuals. Daniela started off with a speech from Speeches by Management “Well done!” whose objectives where to appraise with praise. After giving us general hindsight of what makes good feedback, with a key message of “highlight the positive”. Daniela the proceeded to do a roleplay exercise incorporating various feedback giving techniques. Our final speaker was Fahad with a project from the Public Relations manual “Know Yourself”. Fahad shared with us the key lessons he learnt by practicing Russian martial art, Systema and how it could be used both for self defence and for learning more about oneself.

Fahad outlining Systema's benefits!
Fahad outlining Systema’s benefits!

Following the timekeeper’s report. Our Toastmaster Eddie called on tonight’s evaluators to give their evaluation of the speeches. Stephen evaluating Eleanor, recommended repeating complex words and sentences to enable better understanding. Joyce evaluation of Terry’s highlighted the need to pause for more often while speaking. Florian suggested that to give feedback even more effectively, Daniela should look at incorporating three way communication to her communication arsenal. Finally, Sergey evaluated Fahad’s speech.

Joyce evaluating Terry's speech.
Joyce evaluating Terry’s speech.

Following the break, our Toastmaster Eddie reconvened the meeting and handed over to table topics master Edwin. Participants were asked to explain why their job was essential to mankind’s survival after a meteor strike. The jobs in question all exists and included manure inspector, paint dryer watcher and professional apologizer. The table topics session was evaluated by Thomas (well done for your first time as table topics evaluator!) who gave feedback on all the speakers.

Our guest John doing a table topic
Our guest John doing a table topic

Alex came back for his grammarian report as part of the meeting wrap-up. Followed by Indra of Harrovians Speakers as general evaluator of the evening.

Indra's general evaluation of the club.
Indra’s general evaluation of the club.

See you all at our next meeting on September 1st!

Beyond Victorians Toastmasters International Workshop

Linda White top tips for speech evaluations!

During our recent speech evaluation workshop, our Trainer Linda White shared a number of tips and tricks to improve our speech evaluations. While speech evaluation is more of an art than a science according to her. Some general guidelines should nevertheless be followed for delivering effective evaluations:

  • Evaluate to encourage and motivate.
  • Evaluate the speech and how it was delivered. You should not evaluate the content!
  • Give specific feedback and back it up with examples.
  • Evaluate the speech. Don’t retell it!
  • Evaluate the speech. Don’t tell your own story!
  • Watch how you say it. Use positive and encouraging language.
  • Use the commend, recommend, commend structure. Aka the “evaluation sandwich”.
  • Speak for the benefit of the whole audience. Use third person when doing evaluations!
  • Refer to the speech objectives in the manual. Plus any personal objectives the speaker may have!
  • Balance the evaluation depending on the level and experience of the speaker.
  • Prepare your evaluations in advance. Read the speech objectives!
  • End with a summary.
  • Writing notes is often a challenge for speech evaluator.

The general advice is to write as much as you can and to select anything relevant later for when you’ll deliver the evaluation. Speech evaluators might find it beneficial to use a “saw, heard, felt” grid or a simpler grid divided into commendations and recommendations.Onwards with your evaluations!

Past meetings Toastmasters International Workshop

Evaluate to Motivate – 4th August

We were thrilled to hold our first ever workshop during our last meeting. Speech evaluations are an essential part of the Toastmasters educational programme. Indeed, it is the feedback from these evaluations that enable speakers to develop an awareness of what they are doing well and what they need to improve.

Our Toastmaster of the meeting was Vice-President Education Fahad and he quickly introduced our trainer this evening, Linda White. We started off with an interactive session on what constitutes the key ingredients of an effective evaluation. In no particular order. An effective evaluation, should be encouraging, complimentary on what the speaker did well, give specific recommendations and not digress. It is also important not to forget that evaluations are for the benefit of the entire audience and not just the speaker!

Our trainer Linda
Our trainer Linda


Contributions from the audience
Contributions from the audience

We only had two speakers this evening, both of which received several evaluations and an interactive evaluation from the audience. Our first speaker, was Stephen ‘The Emergency Plumber’. Stephen shared with us his work as an emergency plumber, including how his very first intervention, tightening a tap pipe, went and the fact that he so far “never flooded the same room twice!” The audience enjoyed the sharp conclusion to the speech, the confidence projected by Stephen and his vocal variety. His three evaluators, Natalie, Eleanor and Edem. Provided further feedback on eye contact and how to introduce the speech’s topic.

Stephen 'The Emergency Plumber'
Stephen ‘The Emergency Plumber’

Speaking second was Vice-President Mentorshop Edwin ‘An Inspiring Speech’. Edwin began his speech by recounting JFK’s 1963 civil rights address and how this was the perfect speech at the perfect time. This speech also ties in with the three core principles by which Edwin’s wants to live his life, namely treat others as you would want to be treated, be responsible and give equal opportunities to all. A better structured was recommended as feedback by the audience. The three evaluators, Yvonne, Eddie and Ayokunle then suggested more eye contact, a slower pace to let the words sink in and enable more empathy.

Edwin with 'An Inspiring Speech'
Edwin with ‘An Inspiring Speech’

The workshop was then wrapped up was more feedback from the audience on speech evaluations and on the workshop itself. The workshop was thoroughly enjoyed by all including our numerous guests from other Toastmaster clubs!