June is now upon us and with bright coloured glasses of fresh drinks aplenty. It was easy to think that summer was there or at the very least on its way! Toastmastering the meeting, was the masterful George Chiesa. Aptly helped by Monica as timekeeper, Thomas as grammarian and Yvonne as vote counter. Well done on all three of you for doing these roles for the first time. These functionary roles are a nice way to gain the stage confidence needed to become a great public speaker!

Our first speaker of the evening was Lindsay with his icebreaker speech, first step in the journey to become a competent communicator. With ‘All around the world’ Lindsay took us on a journey across his three favourite countries, India and its sacred cows. Cambodia and its numerous temples. Last but not least Australia and its spiders. Our second speaker was also breaking the ice. Alex’s speech ‘My Family and Me’ covered how his family influenced him, learning creativity from his dad and the importance of empathy from his mother. The speech concluded with “How has your family best shaped you!” Our third speaker of the evening was Fahad, with a speech from the Public Relations manual ‘The I.O.D’. In this speech Fahad helped by Edwin simulated a radio talk show, how to best approach it and how to make the best impact on listeners.

The first speaker Lindsay was evaluated by Rosie. Rosie emphasised the importance of speech organisation and of fitting in a speech within the allocated timeframe. A general guideline for a new speaker is to aim for 120 words per minute max. Our second speaker was evaluated by Lo Luong, who praised Alex for his positive body language and smiling on stage. Final speaker Fahad, was evaluated by Hiram who highlighted how repeating key words and points makes a message clearer and easier to understand.

The table topics session was headed by Terry who came up with various random images picked up from newspapers and asked our speakers to tell the story (real or made-up) behind the pictures. The session was evaluated by Prateek who gave feedback on all the table topic speakers. Our grammarian Thomas then came back up with his through report including the number of use of the word of the day ‘Penultimate’ by our speakers. The whole meeting was then evaluated by Andrés Roldan of London Olympians.

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