Past meetings Toastmasters International

The master into Toastmasters – 7th April

Spring was in the air four this first meeting of April, with the sun rays reaching into every corners of our lovely venue, the upstairs room of the Windsor Castle pub. London Victorians was lucky to have a master of Toastmasters in charge of the evening as Andy O’Sullivan. Ably assisted by Eddie as timekeeper, Natalie as grammarian and newly joined Alex as vote-counter. Well done to all three of you for doing these roles for the first time!

Toastmaster of the evenig Andy!
Toastmaster of the evenig Andy!

Kicking off the four speeches of the evening was Prateek with ‘Your Kind of Crazy’ whose theme was friendship and finding like-minded people through activities. Following him was VP-PR Marina with a speech from the Speeches by Management manual, ‘Your chance to lead’ highlighting the benefit of mentoring to mentees and mentors alike beginning with leading and developing someone. Sergey followed with ‘A willow tree’ from the Interpersonal Communication manual on defusing and handling verbal criticism from others. Veteran storyteller Alan Thomas closed with a ‘Carroll can’t concentrate’ of the Storytelling manual. A fiction on Lewis Carroll overcoming writers block for the finishing touches of Alice in Wonderland with the help of some talking mischievous cats.

Defusing verbal criticism by Sergey
Defusing verbal criticism by Sergey

Speeches were evaluated by Ayokunle, Florian, Hiram and Warren. Covering topics such as posture on stage, vocal variety and chosing subjects for each projects. We were then onto the table topics session led by first-timer Rosie (well done Rosie) going around the world in several postcards from places such as Dubai, Hong Kong or New York. Evaluating eight speakers was VPE Fahad. The evening was then closed off with a general evaluation from the president of Clerkenwell Speakers, Kaveh Pourvand.

Alex talking about his postcard from Dubai
Alex talking about his postcard from Dubai
Past meetings Toastmasters International

Contest season at London Victorians – 17th March

Every year, Toastmasters clubs worldwide run speech and evaluation contest. Winners of the international speech after competing in the club, area, division and district levels will then take part in the world championship of public speaking due to take place in Las Vegas this august. On Tuesday it was London Victorians turn to enter the Toastmaster contest season, with our VP Membership Terry Pullin chairing over both the speech and evaluation contests.

Contest chair Terry
Contest chair Terry

New member Natalie was the first to take part in the speech contest. With a speech ‘Music in the digital age’ covering changes brought to the music industry by the advent of platforms such as Spotify or YouTube were artists can express themselves for free. She was followed by one of our advanced members, Alan with ‘It’s a racket’ on the impact high noises can have on human wellbeing and health. Third to join the fray was Hiram ‘The voices in my head’ on how to overcome fear of failure. Closing off the competition was Sergey and his story ‘The drum’.

“It’s a racket!” by Alan

The mystery speaker for our evaluation contest was our very own Magda ‘AI creating god’. Using the staircase analogy whereby humans can now look down on worms as an inferior species. The challenges of AI surpassing humans were highlighted, or “what happens when we are the worms”. Ross, Sergey and Eddie took turns evaluating Magda’s speech. A testament to the high level of the competition was that none of the three participants in the evaluation contest used notes!

Ross's evaluating Magda
Ross’s evaluating Magda

A short interview of some participants preceded the announcement of the results by chief judge Brian Skelton. The winner of London Victorians 2015 International speech contest was Hiram followed by Alan for in second place. Congratulations go to Ross for winning the evaluation contest.

Many thanks to the judges for your help in making this contest a success. Thanks too to vote counters Eleanor and Lindsay and for our timer of the evening club president Florian Bay.

Past meetings Toastmasters International

When aviators meet gruffalos, nice girls and economic history – 3rd March

One of the most interesting about Toastmasters is that subjects are up for members to choose, allowing a unique insights into the personality of our members. Our last meeting was no different! Toastmastering us was the glamorous Jane Houghton, assisted by timekeeper Magda, first time grammarian Rosie (well done Rosie!) and Vote Counter Prateek.

Another great meeting in our lovely room!
Another great meeting in progress!

Starting off a diverse series of speech that night was Ross with “Aiming High” on the extraordinary life of aviator Douglas Bader. Who in spite of losing both legs in an airplane accident, went back up to the skies to fight for the RAF in WW2! Our VP Membership Terry followed with “A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood”. Using the power of the AIDA sales techniques as a backdrop, we embarked on a fairy tale journey through a deep dark forest alongside a cunning mouse beating off monsters including gruffaloes with its sharp tongue and quick wit. Club President Florian guided us through a fact-finding report on the reasons for British industrial decline. Afterwards answering a flurry of questions from the audience on why it matters. Sergey closed off a very diverse evening of speeches with “What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this” from the Interpersonal Communication manual.

Storyteller and seller extraordinaire Terry!
Storyteller and seller extraordinaire Terry!

Evaluations were taken up by Sergey, Fahad, Daniela and Andy. Covering points such as the importance of eye contact and of vocal variety to build a strong connection with the audience.

Guest introduction by Sergeant at Arms Edwin!
Guest introduction by Sergeant at Arms Edwin!

Movies were the theme of a very energising table topics session chaired by Secretary Ayokunle and evaluated by VP PR Marina. The entire evening was finally evaluated by Warren Sheng.

Social Event

London Victorians takes on Jack the Ripper!

London Victorians organised its very first club social last Friday at the initiative of VP Membership Terry Pullin. As befits our name, our members chose to embark on a Jack the Ripper themed tour of the Whitechapel area of London. Ten of us decided to brave the cold dark night and the killer that once stalked these streets, Jack the Ripper!

Ready to take on the Ripper!
Ready to take on the Ripper!

Guided by our very knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide Jamie, the tour began next to Aldgate East station and shortly thereafter we travelled back in time to 1888. Through the use of audio-visual projection the area came to life as if we had been there and walked the cobbled streets of back to back terraces where families once lived several to a room. Each site of the five canonical murders was visited and the victims described in gory details. Unease was visible at certain moments, not helped in one instance by a prank played by our guide.

Tour guide Jamie
Tour guide Jamie

The identity of the murderer of course remains unknown, bar that he was a gentleman with a dark moustache and wearing a dark suit. Perhaps he was lurking there in the shadows during our tour waiting to strike again, we will never know for sure!

Jack the Ripper?
Jack the Ripper?

The tour was followed by dinner in one of Brick Lane many curry houses. There was much merriment to be had during this evening of “blood and guts followed by a curry” © our Sergeant at Arms Edwin. Another spring social will take place soon. In the meantime please join us at our next meeting!

Nothing beats a good curry!
Nothing beats a good curry!
Past meetings Toastmasters International

Icebreakers Galore! – 17th February

It is always a very special time when something is done for the very first time. In our last meeting we had the pleasure of having not one, not two but three icebreakers and a first advanced speech to boot. The show was opened by legendary debater and toastmaster of the evening Paul Carroll, ably assisted by Lindsey doing his very first role as timekeeper. Closing the functionary team were grammarian Marina and vote counter and sergeant at arms, Edwin.

Toastmaster of the evening Paul Carroll
Toastmaster of the evening Paul Carroll

Rosie started off the speeches with her Icebreaker ‘Influential People’ on who influenced her life so far, including her brother due to take up the Arch to Arc triathlon this year. Eddie followed her with ‘A Fortunate Life’ tracing his journey from Ghana, to France and eventually to ten years initially unexpected years in London. Prateek closed off with a punchy speech ‘Why live an ordinary life?’ and his desire to stay true to his dreams and ambitions. Daniela then did her firsts speech from the Speeches by Management manual, where she role-played taking over the management of an IT Service team and tacked a Q&A session from us posing as her employees.

Why live an ordinary life?
Why live an ordinary life?

Rising up to the challenge of evaluating these four speeches, were Terry, Fahad, Sergey and Marina.

Club sponsor Warren Sheng launched a table topic session themed on China, but also incorporating other very open ended questions such as “where will you do in two years”. Evaluating the entire evening was district 91 PR officer Dorothea Stuart.

Eddie, Prateek and Rosie well done on your icebreakers!
Eddie, Prateek and Rosie well done on your icebreakers!