Past meetings Toastmasters International

Join Toastmasters get some pizazz! – 16th February

At Toastmasters we love giving out awards and the theme of our last Toastmasters meeting was “Victorians’ award show”. Taking charge as Toastmaster of the meeting was Fahad. Assisting him as timekeeper was Eleanor G who took this role for the first time. We love to have unusual words of the day in Toastmasters meetings and tonight’s one by our grammarian Stephen was “pizazz”. Maria and Andrew S completed the crew as respectively harkmaster and vote counter.

Another great night of Toastmasters ahead!
Another great night of Toastmasters ahead!
Harkmaster Maria
Harkmaster Maria

We had five speakers on the agenda. The first one Alex was beginning his Toastmasters journey by doing his icebreaker speech “A little bit about me”. Here we learnt just that, including his job as actuarial consultant and his travels in India, South America and Nepal. The second speaker for the evening was Nadia “King Solomon – Debating what are we here for and what’s life all about?” in her speech Nadia covered part of Ecclesiastes and the importance of not taking a text out of context. The third speech “Life with Jim” was by Olivia. In a crafty twist the subject was her relationship with gym and how by exercising more she became happier and stronger. Our fourth speaker was Annabel “Shop Now” who covered the history of shopping from ancient Greeks, to modern supermarkets to a future of drones and virtual reality. The final speaker was Nuala “Design is about people” who explained more about her job as aircraft interior designer and the three main end-users to take into account; economy class passengers; business class passengers and flight attendants.

Third speaker Olivia
Third speaker Olivia


The beauty of Toastmasters is that everyone who speaks receive a through verbal and written evaluation of his/her speech. Evaluating Alex was Thomas who recommended a slower speaking pace. Isabelle as evaluator of Nadia’s speech praised her clear structure but suggested she uses no notes in the future. Andy evaluated Olivia’s speech, praised her intriguing introduction but highlighted that the speech should have been outlined at the start. Terry took on the evaluation of Annabel’s speech and commended her for her clear structure. Finally, John evaluated Nuala, praising her use of the stage but recommended adding more pauses at key points in the speech.

Thomas evaluating Alex's icebreaker speech
Thomas evaluating Alex’s icebreaker speech

After a short break, the meeting reconvened for a table topics impromptu speaking session. Keeping up with the movie theme, our table topics master AK asked questions such as “what’s your favorite movie line” “what’s your guilty cheesy movie?” or “Are there too many bad movies”. The session was evaluated by Eleanor H who provided thorough feedback to all speakers.

Table topics master AK
Table topics master AK

Maria and Stephen then came back for their reports. Following on from them was our general evaluator Chris from London Corinthians who evaluated the club, ambiance and everyone else not evaluated so far.

Our general evaluator Chris
Our general evaluator Chris


Congratulations to our best speaker Olivia, best evaluator John and best table topics speaker Florian.

Past meetings Toastmasters International

Definitive speeches – 2nd February

The year seems to be flying by as we’re already in February. In charge of another evening of fantastic speeches, was AK who took command of the stage as Toastmaster of the meeting. Ably assisted by Annabel as timekeeper, Edwin as grammarian with “definitive” as word of the day; Prateek as harkmaster and Toby as vote counter.

Grammarian Edwin listening the grammar and vocabulary in tonight's speeches
Grammarian Edwin listening the grammar and vocabulary in tonight’s speeches

Starting the flurry of speeches of all kind was Alessia. Alessia did her first speech, The Icebreaker. In “Shiny Juliet” we embarked on a journey to her native city of Verona to visit local attractions but most importantly meet Juliet and be blessed by touching her right breast! The second of five speeches “D&G” was by Sophia. This time were transported back in time in Israel in the middle of a battlefield occupied by the Philistine army. The battle was decided by a slingshot shot from puny David striking gigantic Goliath in the face. Why did he took on the challenge? Because he had faith in his good! Epic! Eleanor followed with “Kawaii” (cuteness in Japanese) an entertaining speech about different attitudes to sexuality and dating in Japan. Our last two speeches were from advanced speaking projects. The first was by Kate “Bored Brenda” a story of how important it can be to appreciate the simple things in life. As after all being a pop star or a pirate can indeed be pretty boring in some ways. Closing the flurry of speeches was “LOCPY” by Fahad, from the Special Occasion Speeches manual where the purpose was to give an award to someone.

Alessia telling us all about Verona
Alessia telling us all about Verona

Evaluating our five speeches tonight. We had John evaluating Alessia, Terry for Sophia, Nuala for Eleanor, Florian for Kate and Stephen for Fahad. It is important to remember that “less is more” when writing or doing a speech. Indeed 3 main points are enough and overdoing gestures or vocal variety can be counter-productive for some speeches.

Nuala evaluating Eleanor's speech
Nuala evaluating Eleanor’s speech

Thomas was in charge of the table topics session. As Chinese New Year is closing on, participants had to tackle interesting questions along the lines of the Chinese Zodiac. From being an Ox in Yellowstone, to a rat on the tube or even a dog or a monkey in other situations. You had to explain what you would do. Giving feedback on all of the table topic speeches was Andy.

Topicsmaster Thomas
Topicsmaster Thomas

Prateek and Edwin came back to give their reports followed by Warren who evaluated the entire meeting as general evaluator.

Fahad delivering his Presenting an Award speech project
Fahad delivering his Presenting an Award speech project

See you all for our next meeting on February 16th!


Past meetings Toastmasters International

Epic speakers – 19th January

Our second meeting of 2016 was epic in so many ways. Taking charge as Toastmaster of the meeting was Terry, assisted by Nadia as timekeeper, Maria as grammarian with “epic” as word of the day; Thomas as harkmaster and Alex as vote counter.

Grammarian Maria who looked after our speakers use of English.
Grammarian Maria who looked after our speakers use of English.

The first of four speakers this evening was Andrew. Andrew icebreaker speech “role models” covered personalities he considers to be role models and he also other people including members of the London Victorians to be role models in their own way too. Our second speaker was also doing an icebreaker speech “The Accountant”. Andy’s speech covered his professional journey in accountancy and how in time he was able to tame the inner Gordon Gecko inside him. The third speaker this evening was Hannah “The Trump, the bad and the ugly”. Hannah met the objectives of her speech project “Organize Your Speech” perfectly by exploring the pros and cons of whether Donald Trump should be banned from entering the country or not. Our final speaker this evening was club president Florian who did a speech from the storytelling manual. Florian’s folk take was ‘Репка’ or the gigantic turnip in English. A story of how strength lies in unity!

Andy second of fourth speakers
Andy second of fourth speakers

The evaluators of our four speakers were Annabel, Nuala, Stephen and Fahad. All of them provided extensive feedback to our speakers, covering areas for improvements and strong points that should be developed further.

Speech evaluator Stephen
Speech evaluator Stephen

After the break, the table topics section was chaired by Sophia. Sophia came up with creative questions like “what makes you unique”, “what piece of advice would you give an infant” or “is it better to love or to be loved”. Audience members tackled these by doing a mini speech lasting one to two minutes. The table topics speakers received feedback on their performance by Isabelle as table topic evaluator.

Candyman aka harkmaster Thomas
Candyman aka harkmaster Thomas

Maria and Thomas came back on stage to give their reports as grammarian and harkmaster. Followed by Edward our general evaluator from London Olympians who provided feedback to everyone and praised London Victorians as a “youthful and energetic club!”

General evaluator Edward
General evaluator Edward
Past meetings Toastmasters International

Conquer Public Speaking in 2016! – 5th January

A new year of public speaking is now upon us and if “I would like to improve my public speaking and presentation skills” is one of your new year’s resolutions for 2016. Why no come and visit us here at London Victorians?

Toastmastering a great evening of public speaking, Prateek!
Toastmastering a great evening of public speaking, Prateek!

Taking charge of our first meeting of 2016 and a busy night of public speaking was Toastmaster Prateek. Assisted by Alex as timekeeper, Hannah as grammarian who picked “aspiration” as word of the day, Karen as harkmaster and finally Maria as vote counter.

Timekeeper Alex.  Public speaking is all about "saying a set idea within a set time"
Timekeeper Alex.
Public speaking is all about “saying a set idea within a set time”

Beginning her journey into public speaking tonight was Annabel whose icebreaker speech “3 Jobs” talked about her working life so far. She is a self-confessed workaholic, who did jobs from the paper round to being a shop assistant to working now in marketing following her university degree. Following on with our second speech of the evening was Eleanor “How are you today?” Eleanor’s speech tackled the difficult subject of mental health and how overlooked it is with most sufferer being discriminated against or fearing discrimination. Consequently one of the best thing one can do is simply asking someone “How are you today?” Nuala was our third speaker of the evening “Make Sense”. This intriguing speech informed us on the wonderful possibilities offered by our sense of smell. A sense so powerful in fact that it can boost memory and act as a warning system to us by smelling rotten food or gas. Our fourth speech this evening “Pretty Fly for a Wifi” was done was Thomas. Thomas told us everything there was to know about Wifi and in particular the security systems of WEP and WPA and how Wifi words. Internet through thin air is amazing isn’t it? Public speaking can be used to persuade others and this is what our final speaker of the evening Terry did. In “It’s not you it’s me” Terry recounted us his personal journey from failure to success and how he was the one that triggered changes in himself.

'It's not you it's me' by Terry
‘It’s not you it’s me’ by Terry

Public speaking can only be learnt by receiving feedback on one’s performance and each of our speakers tonight was evaluated. These “speeches on a speech” were made by Tarjei evaluating Annabel. Olivia as Eleanor’s evaluator. Toby who evaluated Nuala. Edwin who gave feedback on Thomas’s speech and finally Florian who evaluated Terry’s speech.

Speech evaluator Toby
Speech evaluator Toby

During the second half of the meeting, members and guests alike practiced their impromptu public speaking skills in our table topics session. Facilitated by Yvonne, it featured questions such as “what would do as CEO of Facebook” “What would you say in a message to HM The Queen from space?” or even “What about a wet Christmas instead of a white Christmas?” The session was evaluated by Edwin who provided feedback to members and guests alike.

Table topics master Yvonne
Table topics master Yvonne

Hannah and Karen then came back for their respective reports as grammarian and harkmaster. Followed by Christopher of sister club St Paul’s Speakers who evaluated the entire meeting.

General Evaluator Christopher
General Evaluator Christopher
Past meetings Toastmasters International

A seamless evening – 15th December

Our final meeting of 2015 was special on Tuesday evening. Fahad opened the meeting as acting President, introducing the Toastmasters educational programme and manual at length.

Acting President for the evening Fahad
Acting President for the evening Fahad

In charge of leading the meeting this evening as Toastmaster was club President Florian who quickly introduced his team of helpers. Timekeeper Andy tasked with looking after time this evening. Grammarian Edwin looked after the uses of the English language. Sophia as harkmaster ready to test listening skills this evening and finally vote counter Eleanor H.

Timekeeper Andrew
Timekeeper Andrew

The first speaker of the evening was Karen with a speech titled “E is for …” In her speech Karen explained why she has joined Toastmasters and how this links to the importance placed by her family on education and self-improvement. Following on was second speaker of the evening, Toby “On the bright side”. Toby opened his speech by highlighting that extreme poverty worldwide had halved between 1990 and today. The reasons for this improvement have to go with better access to healthcare, the eradication of diseases such as smallpox and reduction in crime rates. Our third speaker of the evening Isabelle had a festive theme to her speech “A Christmas controversy”. Isabelle explained the importance of Saint Nicholas to Dutch Christmas traditions and how he is helped by the Zwarte Piets whose minstrel faces have recently been controversial. The final speaker of the evening was Kate with a speech from the Storytelling manual “The adventures of Jeremy Fisher”. We learnt everything about the aforementioned chestnut haired pony and his various shenanigans including bringing traffic to a halt on a busy road.

Our second speaker of the evening Toby
Our second speaker of the evening Toby

The first to evaluate this evening was Stephen for Karen’s speech. Stephen praised her for not using notes for her very first speech. Terry then evaluated Toby and highlighted his powerful and intriguing introduction. Eleanor G followed on with an evaluation of Isabelle’s speech praising her increased confidence compared to previous speeches and clear message. Finally, Joyce evaluated Kate and congratulated her on her storytelling skill that transported us in the environment she was describing.

Speech evaluator Stephen
Speech evaluator Stephen

Annabel was leading the table topics session this evening. Coming up with topics themed on the “best Christmas present you’ve ever given or received” “what’s your family Christmas tradition” or “What’s your New Year resolution?” The table topics session was then evaluated by Charles who gave feedback to all six table topics speakers. Edwin and Sophia then came back for their reports followed by Prateek as general evaluator of the entire meeting.

Guest Jose from Madrid having a crack at a table topic
Guest Jose from Madrid having a crack at a table topic

A very successful 2015 is coming to an end in London Victorians. Onwards to more successes in 2016!

Best speaker of the evening Isabelle
Best speaker of the evening Isabelle