Past meetings Toastmasters International

Pondering great speeches – 19th May

Our second meeting of May was an occasion to ponder the last few months of the club but also to prepare its future. Our newest club member was welcome at the start of the meeting. It is our official club banner that came all the way from California by post. She will now stand proud and tall at every single one our meetings and no doubt be coated with numerous ribbons in a short space of time!

Club President Florian Bay unveiling our new club banner!
Club President Florian Bay unveiling our new club banner!

Toastmastering the meeting was current Area 52 governor, Marc Lottig whose towering presence meant that we were in very safe hands indeed. Our timekeeper of the evening was Alex, (well done Alex for your first club role!). The word of the day of tonight’s grammarian Edem was ‘ponder’. Closing the trio of assistant functionaries was Monica as vote counter.

Toastmaster of the evening Marc Lottig.
Toastmaster of the evening Marc Lottig chairing an evening of great speeches!

Prateek started the evening of speeches with the third speech from the Competent Communicator manual. In “Rules of Engagement’ we were treated with a very factual speech on modern day dating app Tinder and its 22 billion daily swipes! Following was Marina with a speech from the Speeches by Management manual. Her speech ‘LinkedOut’ explored how to give feedback in an unsuccessful job application. Closing off the evening of speeches was Alan Thomas, with ‘Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind’ from the Entertaining Speaker manual. A dramatic talk on the story of an author meeting sprites and spirits in a house.

Prateek's 'Rules of Engagement'
Prateek’s ‘Rules of Engagement’

The first evaluator of the evening was Terry, who emphasised the importance of not having too loud a voice tone and of moving on stage while making points for added impact. Fahad then evaluated Marina, highlighting the importance of choosing the right speech topic for the manual’s objectives. Daniela finished off by evaluating Alan, emphasising the importance of effective vocal variety and of setting up props correctly.


London Victorians annual general meeting then followed. Starting off with the election of the new committee. The club committee for the 2015/16 Toastmasters year will consist of:

President: Florian Bay

Vice-President Education: Fahad Alturkait

Vice-President Membership: Terry Pullin

Vice-President Public Relations: Marina Lussich

Vice-President Mentorship: Edwin Atiegoba

Treasurer: Ayokunle Sangoyomi

Sergeant at Arms: Prateek Trehun

A short overview of the past year was made by club president Florian Bay, highlighting the impressive achievement of having started the club from scratch and now having 24 members with more in the pipeline. The club’s ambition remains to become the leading Toastmaster club in London and to meet every Tuesday. The next Toastmasters year already looks promising but it is the sum of the individual achievements of all the members that will make the club great!

The table topics session led by Eleanor was themed around the titles of strange books. Participants had to tell the story behind interesting titles such as ‘Afterthoughts of a Worm Hunter’ or ‘How to play with a Lion’s testicules’. Rosie evaluated the session for her first crack at an evaluation role (bravo Rosie!). The entire meeting was finally evaluated by Gagan Singh coming from London Athenians.

Eleanor leading our lively table topics session!
Eleanor leading our lively table topics session!
Announcements Toastmasters International Workshop

FREE Workshop: The Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Have you always wondered what it takes to become a leader? What traits, habits and characteristics effective and inspirational leaders have that makes them stand out from the rest? Leadership is fundamentally a skill that can be learned like many others.

On Wednesday 20th May, London Victorians will be holding a FREE “Success Leadership” workshop on the characteristics of effective leaders. This interactive one hour workshop will explore the qualities, values and styles effective leaders display. Participants will be able to identify their own leadership styles and to develop self-awareness of any gaps that might require attention to become a more effective leaders.

You too can be a leader!
You too can be a leader!

Exercices will include:

  • Determining your leadership style
  • Identifying team leadership need
  • Discussing leadership gaps and leadership matches

The session will be facilitated by Sergey Karassov, ACS, CL. Sergey is a successful trainer, coach and facilitator. He has a special interest in leadership and enjoys developing others to become better leaders and public speakers.

The event will take place between 12h and 13h in the Concert Artistes Association in 20 Bedford Street. Places are limited and prior booking is required here.

Past meetings Toastmasters International

An exquisite meeting – 5th May

Our last meeting had an auspicious start, with the sun stretching its rays into every single corners of our room in the Windsor Castle Pub. We were ably led by current area 33 governor, Brian Skelton as toastmasters of the evening. Assisted in this crucial role by Rosie as timekeeper, Eddie as grammarian whose word of the day was “exquisite” and George as vote counter.

Brian kicking off the meeting!
Brian kicking off the meeting!

Two icebreakers were on the program of the evening. The first one by new member Monica “Life as Art”. Talking about her passion for art since she was younger and how it helped defining her personality. The second icebreaker of the night was by Eleanor “The stories we tell ourselves”. Eleanor regaled us with tale of how one’s identity can shift over time, ranging from her own childhood in Cornwall with limited access to technology, to now working in a data company. What’s more her story has only just begun! A fifth speech from the Competent Communicator manual, “We’re going on a work hunt” by Terry followed. The speech’s objectives of using one’s body to convey a message was met, as we went through the morning blues of a day that does not quite start according to plan. The oratory was closed off by Warren with “Ermm”, a humorous speech on the word Erm that can be a power word in some circumstances and what’s more the word is universally understood too! A very humorous, that will clearly feature in this year’s edition of the humorous speech contest in the autumn.

'The stories we tell ourselves' by Eleanor
‘The stories we tell ourselves’ by Eleanor

The evaluations were started off by Fahad, who provided recommendation on speech structure and the use of transitional words. Following was Marina, suggesting pauses to enhance one’s message and make a stronger impact on the audience. Daniela then evaluated Terry. Alan’s evaluation of Warren was special, as it used the official judging criteria used in speaking competitions.

Alan's evaluation of Warren
Alan’s evaluation of Warren

New member Thomas chaired the table topics session. Creatively using real-word events to ask participants how they would react to it. These including Wimbledon banning selfie sticks, a mystery tunnel in Toronto and 5.5tons of Nutella being stolen. Club president Florian Bay then evaluated the table topics session, reminding everyone that table topics should be structured as a prepared speech would by including a clear structure and a punchy conclusion. The entire meeting was finally evaluated by veteran Toastmaster Andy O’Sullivan.

Table topics master Thomas!
Table topics master Thomas!
Past meetings Toastmasters International

We’re now a Chartered Club! – 21st April

This last meeting of the club was very special as we’re now a chartered club with Toastmasters International. Just over seven months after our first demonstration meeting, the vision of the club founders was fulfilled this month with club membership crossing the twenties strong. Many thanks to all that have helped us in making this achievement possible, ranging from our sponsor clubs, London Olympians, St Pauls Speakers and Connected Speakers. But also to fellow Toastmasters from all over London, that came in to do roles at our meeting in those crucial first few months.


The standard of our previous meetings was high and last time was no exception. The Toastmaster of the evening was our VP Membership Terry Pullin. Assisted by Edwin as timekeeper, Eleanor as grammarian (well done for your first time!) and Lindsay as vote counter.

Grammarian Eleanor with 'Auspicious' as word of the day.
Grammarian Eleanor with ‘Auspicious’ as word of the day.

Opening the speeches was an icebreaker by Natalie ‘You’re going where’. Recounting her journey to Malaysia as a music teacher, reconnecting with her passion for music following a stint of work in the fashion industry. The speech was filled with anecdotes including monkeys looking out into windows and crimson clad stewardesses on her flight from London. Following her was Rosie with her second speech from the Competent Communication manual ‘Talking Rubbish’. A very informative speech on the subject of waste in the UK, how much is produced every year and how little is recycled or reuse. VP Education Fahad, followed with his first speech from the Public Relations manual ‘The WWH of Public Speaking’ an address describing the benefits of Toastmasters and how the organisation helped change his life. The final speaker of the evening was by Sergey, with ‘The GROW Model’ used in coaching.

Sergey's GROW model
Sergey’s GROW model

The evaluators of the evening were Florian, Magda, Marina and Joann. Topics covered included speech structure, vocabulary and using as much of the allocated time as possible. With the general elections fast approaching, politics was the theme of the table topics session led by Prateek for the first time (well done!). The questions asked were as diverse as “imagine yourself as Prime Minister for a day” or “What’s your take on marijuana legalisation?”. Eddie took up to the challenge of evaluating these topics, providing such recommendations as maintaining eye contact throughout a speech and avoiding hands clasping to show openness on stage. The glamorous Jane Houghton then closed off the meeting with her general evaluation.

Eddie evaluating the table topics
Eddie evaluating the table topics

The evening was finished off with a speech by founding president Florian Bay on the achievements on the past few months and objectives for the future. Chartering the club is merely the “end of the beginning” and the aspiration is for London Victorians to become London’s premier Toastmaster club. District leader Dorothea Stuart also gave the official club President ribbon to Florian to mark the occasion.

Onwards to more!
Onwards to more!


Past meetings Toastmasters International

The master into Toastmasters – 7th April

Spring was in the air four this first meeting of April, with the sun rays reaching into every corners of our lovely venue, the upstairs room of the Windsor Castle pub. London Victorians was lucky to have a master of Toastmasters in charge of the evening as Andy O’Sullivan. Ably assisted by Eddie as timekeeper, Natalie as grammarian and newly joined Alex as vote-counter. Well done to all three of you for doing these roles for the first time!

Toastmaster of the evenig Andy!
Toastmaster of the evenig Andy!

Kicking off the four speeches of the evening was Prateek with ‘Your Kind of Crazy’ whose theme was friendship and finding like-minded people through activities. Following him was VP-PR Marina with a speech from the Speeches by Management manual, ‘Your chance to lead’ highlighting the benefit of mentoring to mentees and mentors alike beginning with leading and developing someone. Sergey followed with ‘A willow tree’ from the Interpersonal Communication manual on defusing and handling verbal criticism from others. Veteran storyteller Alan Thomas closed with a ‘Carroll can’t concentrate’ of the Storytelling manual. A fiction on Lewis Carroll overcoming writers block for the finishing touches of Alice in Wonderland with the help of some talking mischievous cats.

Defusing verbal criticism by Sergey
Defusing verbal criticism by Sergey

Speeches were evaluated by Ayokunle, Florian, Hiram and Warren. Covering topics such as posture on stage, vocal variety and chosing subjects for each projects. We were then onto the table topics session led by first-timer Rosie (well done Rosie) going around the world in several postcards from places such as Dubai, Hong Kong or New York. Evaluating eight speakers was VPE Fahad. The evening was then closed off with a general evaluation from the president of Clerkenwell Speakers, Kaveh Pourvand.

Alex talking about his postcard from Dubai
Alex talking about his postcard from Dubai