
You will be given a username to use to log into the website as soon as you join a club as a member. This will be emailed to you with the subject line Welcome to the Toastmasters automation site. Your username will typically contain part of your name or family name, but it could also be initials. It is worth remembering that you can modify it later if your wish.

For the purpose of this guide we’ll be Victoria Brown. Victoria has recently joined London Victorians Toastmasters in London and is keen to get going!

Click on ‘profile’ and you will be prompted for the log in details you have just been emailed and you will be sent to the profile page where you can change your password.

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Each of the tabs circled in yellow in the image enables you to do several things.

Personal: You can change your details such as your name, contact phone numbers, occupation and address here. Several privacy settings are available, ranging from making your information public, to showing it to club members or to officers only. The default privacy setting is “club officers only”.

Preferences: Timezone settings and language settings can be modified here.

Communication: Links to LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter profiles can be added here.

Images: Want to add a picture to your profile? This is the place!

Toastmasters: A recap of clubs where you are a member and of your recent speeches.

It might be useful the next time you log back in to click ‘remember’ me so that you don’t have to input your password again.

Once you are signed in you will be presented with the page below. In order to access more options you will need to click on the London Victorians link on the left hand side.

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