Past meetings Toastmasters International

An inspirational meeting! – 29th September

Our last meeting was very special, being our last meeting in the upstairs room of the Windsor Castle Pub. September 2014 and the humble beginnings of our now almost forty members strong club now seems like a different era. But London Victorians will forever remain grateful to the owners of the Windsor Castle Pub for providing us with an amazing home for the last year and a perfect place where to start our club!

Toastmaster of the evening Joyce!
Toastmaster of the meeting Joyce!

Taking charge as Toastmaster of the evening was the legendary Joyce, who wasted no time in inspiring us all and in introducing her team for this meeting. Eleanor carefully explained her role in timing the meeting’s different segments. Grammarian Sandra introduced ‘inspirational’ as word of the day. Harkmaster Florian highlighted the importance of active listening. Finally Vote Counter Nuala reminded us all of the importance of providing and collecting feedback during a Toastmasters meeting.

Timekeeper Eleanor showing our timing lights
Timekeeper Eleanor showing our timing lights

Our first speaker at this meeting was Toby ‘Market Research’. For his very first speech, Toby explained his first job as a market researcher both the great aspects of it and the less positive aspects of customers putting the phone down on him. Following on was Yvonne ‘Starting Drinks’. Yvonne remarked that one can learn the most about a colleague during their leaving drinks and consequently suggested organizing starting drinks to get to know new colleagues better! The third speaker at this meeting was Eleanor ‘Wolf Belly’. Eleanor regaled the audience with the tale of her childhood night-time dreams of being transformed into a werewolf and eating copious amounts of pasta to return to her human form. All the while explaining the origin and meaning of the werewolf myth. Our final speaker was John ‘I hate’ on his complex attitude towards social media and the importance of not substituting it to meaningful interactions with others.

'Starting Drinks' by Yvonne
‘Starting Drinks’ by Yvonne

Alex evaluated the first speaker, suggesting a slower speaking pace while commending his stage presence. Prateek’s evaluation of Yvonne’s speech highlighted the importance of voice modulation and he benefits one can gain by using the stage more. Edwin in his evaluation of our third speaker Eleanor recommended using more drama and animations to make the story more vivid still. Finally Fahad evaluated John’s speech and praised his clear message while warning against hand clasping.

Prateek's evaluation of Yvonne's speech
Prateek’s evaluation of Yvonne’s speech

The theme of the table topics session run by Stephen was world records. Both members and guest had a go at explaining world records such as the most T shirts worn at the same time, the largest collection of clocks or making the largest rubber band ball. This impromptu speaking part of the meeting was evaluated by Eddie. With Sandra and Florian following shortly after for their Grammarian and Harkmaster reports. Finally Ellie Raycheva of Canary Wharf Communicators did her general evaluation of the club, praising it as “one of the best clubs in London!”

General evaluator of the meeting Ellie from Canary Wharf Communicators
General evaluator of the meeting Ellie from Canary Wharf Communicators

Our next meeting will take place in our new venue of the Monk Room in St James the Less Church. The address is:
St James the Less Church
Vauxhall Bridge Road, Victoria, London, SW1V 2PS

Contest Past meetings Toastmasters International

Contest season at London Victorians – 15th September

Typically, Toastmasters clubs all over the world hold for club contests each year. The International Speech contest in spring alongside the Evaluation contest. With the Humorous Speech contest and the Table Topic contest following in the autumn. This contest season is a very special one for London Victorians as it marks the first official contest in which the club is taking part.

Our club President Florian Bay chaired the humorous speech contest, assisted by timers Eddie and Yvonne, ballot counters Stephen, Magda and Fahad and contest chief judge Jide from Woodford Speakers.

First contest speaker Thomas!
First contest speaker Thomas!

The first humorous speech contest speaker was Thomas ‘The Russian Experience’ describing his adventure in a Russian spa and being welcomed by “you want some oak leaves!” The second speaker was Terry ‘You really are missing out by not having children!’ on how children make a relationship blossom anew with new chores and activities for everyone. Natalie followed on as third contest speaker with a speech ‘Digital and Dazed’ on the perils of the digital age, ranging from Tinder dating through to recording gigs on phone video cameras but never watching the recording again. Following on from her was Prateek ‘Adventures of Harry O’Neill’ telling about the Scottish pilot of the same name he met once from whom the best landings where those where “the plane can be reused afterwards!” The contest carried on with Edwin taking the stage ‘This is an Appeal’ urging us to fight a disease called ROTU (Rudeness On The Underground) whose symptoms include everything from falling asleep to wild hallucinations! John then took to the stage with ‘I hate’ on useless Facebook status updates from friends and one compulsively checks them. Our last contestant was Joyce speaking on ‘Can dreams be true?’

Prateek's contest speech 'The Adventures of Harry O'Neill'
Prateek’s contest speech ‘The Adventures of Harry O’Neill’

After a slightly longer than usual break. We moved to the club’s table topics contest chaired by Eleanor. The question that our contestants had to answer was “If you were another thing in this world, what would it be and why?”

Table Topics Contest chair Eleanor
Table Topics Contest chair Eleanor

Our first contestant Marina answered shoes, followed by Terry the wannabee savanna animal, Joyce as nothing less than Prime Minister. Fourth Table Topics speaker John answered a Chihuahua, followed by Prateek’s Genie, Edwin’s pub (specifically the Winsdor Castle pub) full of merry drunks and finally Natalie with a set of drums.

Marina's winning shoes!
Marina’s winning shoes!

A short round of table topics followed before the results were announced. London Victorians first ever contest winners are as follows:

Humorous Speech Contest
First Place – Edwin At  
Second Place – Terry P 
Third Place – Thomas R 

Table Topics Contest
First Place – Marina L  
Second Place – Terry P  
Third Place – John K

We wish the best of luck to all of our contestants representing the club at the Area 8 contest on Thursday 24th September in Ofgem’s offices.