Spring was in the air four this first meeting of April, with the sun rays reaching into every corners of our lovely venue, the upstairs room of the Windsor Castle pub. London Victorians was lucky to have a master of Toastmasters in charge of the evening as Andy O’Sullivan. Ably assisted by Eddie as timekeeper, Natalie as grammarian and newly joined Alex as vote-counter. Well done to all three of you for doing these roles for the first time!

Kicking off the four speeches of the evening was Prateek with ‘Your Kind of Crazy’ whose theme was friendship and finding like-minded people through activities. Following him was VP-PR Marina with a speech from the Speeches by Management manual, ‘Your chance to lead’ highlighting the benefit of mentoring to mentees and mentors alike beginning with leading and developing someone. Sergey followed with ‘A willow tree’ from the Interpersonal Communication manual on defusing and handling verbal criticism from others. Veteran storyteller Alan Thomas closed with a ‘Carroll can’t concentrate’ of the Storytelling manual. A fiction on Lewis Carroll overcoming writers block for the finishing touches of Alice in Wonderland with the help of some talking mischievous cats.

Speeches were evaluated by Ayokunle, Florian, Hiram and Warren. Covering topics such as posture on stage, vocal variety and chosing subjects for each projects. We were then onto the table topics session led by first-timer Rosie (well done Rosie) going around the world in several postcards from places such as Dubai, Hong Kong or New York. Evaluating eight speakers was VPE Fahad. The evening was then closed off with a general evaluation from the president of Clerkenwell Speakers, Kaveh Pourvand.

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